Tales of Desolation mafia Engame
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:35 pm
Welcome to Tales of Zestiria Mafia!
CoMod: Seven
Reviewer: Cemetables
1. Mak
2. EGW
3. Moody (turned into a treestump N1, town neighborizer)
4. Wam (elimed D2, malevolence mafia redirector and traffic analyst)
5. Sabrar
6. ahippo
7. TehBubblez Somitomi
8. Boomfrog
9. Bop
10. Bessie (devoured N1, town psychic)
11. Freddino (elim'd D1, town imitator)
12. JC
13. heuristically_alone
14. Madge
15. Laserguy Santygrass
1. phillip1882
I have made minor adjustments to the rules from last game, please review and confirm. Pay Special attention to fundamental rule 12 which is a new addition.
Fundamental Rules
Sample Role PM
full 2 game summery (with some notes from the anime) is available here
CoMod: Seven
Reviewer: Cemetables
1. Mak
2. EGW
3. Moody (turned into a treestump N1, town neighborizer)
4. Wam (elimed D2, malevolence mafia redirector and traffic analyst)
5. Sabrar
6. ahippo
7. TehBubblez Somitomi
8. Boomfrog
9. Bop
10. Bessie (devoured N1, town psychic)
11. Freddino (elim'd D1, town imitator)
12. JC
13. heuristically_alone
14. Madge
15. Laserguy Santygrass
1. phillip1882
I have made minor adjustments to the rules from last game, please review and confirm. Pay Special attention to fundamental rule 12 which is a new addition.
Game Rules
Fundamental Rules
1. Please enjoy this game, and do not personally attack other players in a manner that is offensive.
2. Do not use hidden or encrypted text. Do not use code. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. Posting text with the intent to hide it from other players, e.g. by changing the text color to resemble the page background, is not permitted.)
3. No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (And if you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise).
4. If you believe a simple mod mistake has occurred, please address this in-thread and in bold. If you believe a large moderation mistake has occurred, or you have a dispute, please contact me via PM.
5. You are not allowed to quote your role PM or quote a fake role PM. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.) If you are unsure if your paraphrase crosses the line, ask me via pm.
6. Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. If your role PM does allow you this power, you are to PM all conversations to the mod and the co-mod or use provided discord servers.
7. Editing your posts is not allowed. Upon each edit you will receive a mod vote automatically and in particularly egregious or repeated cases you may be mod killed. Mod-votes do not hammer a player.
8. Do not use this (color) and (color), they are reserved for mod use.
9. Besides minor clerical issues rules will not be changed retroactively, however my rulings on the meanings of any rules are final so it's suggested to clear any iffy sounding strategies with me.
10. Should any modkill for egregious rule violation occur, it will occur in the way that most disadvantages your faction, eg a town modkill ends the day, but a scum modkill will not.
11. You must play to your wincon. Implicitly, you must be aware of your wincon so it is unacceptable to not read your role PM.
12. This game may use post death mechanics, even if eliminated do not check Gojoe spoilers or green room until mod allows it.
13. I am pro-hypotheticals. For questions of role interactions, I will answer based on what I perceive as the standard version of the role. However, that doesn't mean I'll be using the standard version of the role, however variations will be expressed using modifiers which are similarly eligible for hypotheticals.
This does not extend to answering whether a role is or isn't in the game unless I consider the role too "bastard" to be included, eg. cults and Jesters.
Voting and Eliminating14. Any use of large language model based technology in game must be clearly labeled as such. Also it cannot be treated as a replacement for standard player output, this is both to preserve the social aspect of the game and because it's not good at the game.
1. Each Day you may vote for a player to be eliminated using a bold vote command, e.g. Vote: Adumbrodeus.
2. You can unvote, e.g. Unvote: Adumbrodeus, which removes your vote from the player you were voting. It is not necessary, but it is appreciated if you do. This too must be bolded.
3. No elimination is a viable elimination choice, e.g. Vote: No elimination. A majority voting for this choice will end the Day with no player being eliminated. This too, must be bolded.
4. For all voting and unvoting, formatting that is not visible in the post but visible in quotes or when highlighted will be ignored, as will color changes (provided it doesn't render all or part of the necessary formatting invisible against the background) and the like. It is advised to format all votes precisely as stated in the prior 3 rules and give them their own line because if a mod interprets it as a case where it's ambiguous whether a player voted or where they placed said vote, we are entitled to interpret it in a way most harmful to the faction of the player that made the vote.
5. The Day will end when a majority elimination is decided or a deadline is reached. If a deadline is reached without a majority elimination decided, there will be a no elimination.
6. No posts during Night.
Activity and Deadlines7. If you're nightkilled, you may post one information-less "bah" post.
1.The recommended minimum of posting is once daily. Consideration will be given for Weekends. Please notify me if you have a pre-planned absence planned. If feasible, I will tell you if I am considering replacing / modkilling you.
2. Up to 3 deadline extensions may be granted for up to 48 hours, first will require a simple majority of players, 2nd 2/3rds, then unanimous. Requests for deadline extensions must be done in thread as follows "vote: deadline extensions"
3. Each day phase will last approximately 5 days. Night phase will be approximately 48 hours. I will attempt to be as close to this as possible but allowances will be made for my schedule.
4. Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken unless it is a mandatory action, in which case it's randomized.
5. For fairness reasons due to us having lives, players are entitled to send the mods trigger conditions for day abilities. For pace of game reasons, players with twilight abilities are required to send me trigger conditions to use their abilities. They will be given grace to modify those trigger conditions or simply directly using the ability during twilight, however this should not be depended on because if it is not in my inbox at least 20 minutes before the flip is posted it is considered to late and will not be taken into account. Trigger conditions will only trigger based on public in thread info or info you achieved through your role and must be explicit and direct. It is recommended to ask the mod about a proposed trigger condition before sending it. This is not a confirmation that either day or twilight abilities exist in game.
Sample Role PM
Sample Role PM
Welcome to Tales of Zestiria Mafia!
You are Rohan, Town The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its Ass. You win when all threats to Town are eliminated or nothing could prevent the same and at least one town player is alive.
You are a Seraph who got turned into a drake by local malevolance but Sorey managed to purify you before you fully turned into a dragon. As a result you were able to give a blessing of the land which stopped the build up of malevolence.
But while you were a drake you were extremely destructive so you get destructive powers!
Kill: Once per night you can send me the action Kill: [Player] This action has a 25% chance to fail. Assuming no interference and the the 25% chance doesn't activate, you will kill the player. If you choose to withhold this ability on a given night, the following night this ability will have a 25% success rate when targetting a town aligned player, but a 100% success rate when targetting a scum aligned player.
Weak Bulletproof: A night kill directed at you will fail 25% of the time.
You are not aligned with a Lord of Calamity.
You are aligned with a Shepherd.