So, I'm the unmarried mother aka Jane, from " '—All You Zombies—' ".
My ability is I get Nk'd, I go back in time from two nights in the future to warn my past self to stop it from happening. This happened night 1.
However, there are now two of me, which means I have a double vote. It's stated in my role PM that if I gain any powers I can use it twice. I mentioned something not having any future night actions unless I'm given some and not thinking that's a thing in this setup.
I can activate this ability early to gain the double vote and doubled night action, but at the expense of wasting my BP if I don't get targeted during a night that there's two of me.
I definitely invite everyone to read the short story to see if I'm telling the truth. It's a genuinely weird experimental science fiction short story, but within the context of the story I think two of me existing at the same time and future me being able to prevent my death makes sense because...
All you Zombies
Jane was only born because two of herself/himself existed at the same time due to time traveling from the future. Jane is intersex, AFAB, and after giving birth it's discovered and Jane is forcibly transitioned to a man. Also Jane's baby is kidnapped.
Jane later is recruited for the Temporal Bureau, goes back in time and ends up having sex with their younger self, causing the pregnancy.
It later turns out that the person who recruited Jane kidnapped the baby and takes the baby to an orphanage in the past, said baby IS Jane. The person who recruited Jane to the Temporal Bureau is also a significantly older Jane. Jane is their own Mother, Father, and the person who made it possible for them to time travel in the first place.
I'll also add that, while I'm not by any means a professional analyst, but the prose used in the EoD flavor post does remind me a lot of the prose from " '—All You Zombies—' "
And to explain my behavior, I was peacocking to attract the NK. I remain concerned that I'm a liability in yeet or lose, but also I just think that as an effective VT from toDay on, i'm less valuable than *guestures vaguely at the dead cop*
So I decided to try to get NK'd a second time, I was hoping the combination of me saying that I have a really creative role which I'll fully explain toMorrow creating both fear that I'm too dangerous to be left alive and fear of what I might potentially know, my double vote which they didn't know would expire potentially being an endgaming barrier, invoking Seven's yeeter theory in a way that suggested I might be a yeeter with a target of whoever is doing the kills/on the killing team, and just the existence of Mak's theory the self-yeet was a self-preservation play might be enough to get me killed.
Generally I was trying to maintain deniability about whether I actually knew I was killed or just figured it out through NA analysis and arrogance for the exact reason Thea said, if I knew for sure it meant I was one shot.
Unfortunately, the role is really creative but... Unless I was gifted a power, but I felt that unless I wasn't a NK target til yeet or lose (particularly 3 person) the rest of the role was pretty useless, so I just played it as a one shot BP. I will add that I didn't realize my double vote was going to be added to the yeet requirement, so I was also initially confused at the vote total change. After Wam figured it was a double voter added to the total votes I sent Madge and Sabrar a message saying they were mean with a crying emoji. I don't think I've ever seen double votes being used that way but I think it makes the role more of a one shot bulletproof- than a one shot bulletproof+, but it does have pizzaz!
I don't have further role information but I did think that Wam was probably my most likely n1 killer. Sure there's fear purely from skill and perceived townieness combined with reputation, but I feel like Wam was the only one who would feel specifically threatened by me. I think I PROBABLY was wrong there now though
Oh and @
Seven, look! I shrooped again! About my scumbuddy, Thea! :p